Would you entrust your dream to your cousin's friend?

“We don’t need help with English-language content – my cousin’s friend already did it.”

The friend studied English for six years in the Italian school system. Her work is good enough, the potential client reasoned.

But is it?

The hard truth is: No it isn’t.

Many quality businesses reach a point where they begin to look overseas for even more clients and consumers. Not surprisingly, their gaze often settles on the U.S., the wealthiest country in the world and the largest market.

After years of hard work making refined products, smaller Italian companies often look to exports, not only to increase sales but also to show their vision on the global stage. Yet as they reach out, they entrust their crucial English-language website and other online content – along with their dream – to a friend, family member or Italian-speaking agency.

But another hard truth is that even the most keen and able writer in a foreign language is rarely good enough. Today’s content has to cut through the all the digital fog on the Internet and actually resonate with potential consumers.

It isn’t a matter of translation, either. It is how words are crafted. Even in their mother tongue, few people can do it well.

It seems many small business owners don’t fully realize how large and competitive America is. U.S. markets are in many ways self-contained and accustomed to doing business in American English. To enter the market, the very first requirement is to have the crucial information about your company presented in a concise and professional way. It is, after all, the public face of your hard-won achievement.

No matter how good your product, buyers and businessmen in America are not likely to take the time to read and understand written material that is not clear and easy to read. They are busy and have many options.

They also reason that if the communication is unprofessional, perhaps a firm’s other operations are as well. The first, foundation step must be to communicate the great benefits of your product with concision and clarity. 

And despite all the gadgetry of computer apps, content remains king. It’s all about the message.

If you really want to invest in your dream, drop me a line at jon@chaoyangworks.com.

Together let’s make it clear.


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